We provide clinical services to those looking to overcome addiction and build a better life. You don’t have to do it alone. We are here to help whenever you are ready.
Greenville Transitions Recovery Center is breaking away from the traditional recovery model and focusing on holistic treatment. Through our own experiences we have realized that a key part of recovery is missing in standard outpatient treatment -rebuilding healthier habits. Recovery is about more than just being sober. It’s about building a new lifestyle. We work to ensure that each individual client is building the new habits and lifestyle they choose.


We take the typical indoor therapy sessions and mix in adventure with activity based therapy sessions.
You can find us on the mountain biking track or out on the pickle-ball court. Stretching it out on our yoga mats and pushing ourselves to complete a hike. It’s really challenging to build a new lifestyle and learn new habits while confined behind office walls, so why not go out and learn in the real world with the support of both peers and medical professionals.


We aim to inspire healing by providing a fulfilling lifestyle through our personal, professional clinical program.The individuals who step through our doors are in the midst of a tremendous change. While the old habits may be familiar, they also carry pain, chaos, and brokenness. Recovery can be equally terrifying in the early days due to unknowns of what life will look like. That’s why we are here.